Every time I think I’ve turned a corner
Something else goes out of order
I don’t think I’ve had any luck at all
Every day there’s more trouble landing
I feel like I’m the last man standing
When is this nightmare gonna end?
I don’t know what I have done
To end up on this shitty run
I can’t explain it
I just can’t take it
Life’s gone-and-kicked-the-shit-right out of me
I open my eyes every morning
And I get a 4 minute warning
And then it all starts to happen once again
If, there’s such a thing as karma
And I keep getting all this drama
I, must have a very chequered past
This bloke came up to me, just itching for a fight
He looked me up and down and said well don’t you look a sight
He stood there in his primark gear, a tenners worth of style
I kicked him in the bollox and I looked him in the eye
And I said, No mate, i’m not like you
And i won’t shut up, i won’t fit in, cos this is what i do
If you don’t like, the way i am
Just keep on walking by cos you wouldn’t understand
The other day my boss said I should smarten up
Those tattoos look unsightly, can’t you cover them up
These tattoos mate, are who I am the story of my past
So if you’re so offended, stick your job right up your arse
Went down the boozer with me mate just for a beer
The landlord said, no sorry, we don’t serve your type in here
What do you mean, my type you cunt, and he just shook his head
I grabbed him by his old school tie and this is what i said
London (My Heart Belongs to)
A city built on blood and tears, There's history all around
from the docks into the back streets, if you know your way around
The times they are a changin, so are the sights and sounds
From beer and bricks and brothels, to glass towers all around
But i will always love, my good old London town
You know my heart belongs to London
The dirty Thames it flows right through my veins
From St Paul's right along to Soho
The house of god down to the house of sin
The place is choked with traffic now, the pubs are closing down
The city just keeps growing, and the poor just get pushed out
So called regeneration, It’s just a lick of paint
But the beating heart ain’t given up, It’s just becoming faint
Music in my Heart
Without music my life just don't feel right
And then it hit me, right between the eyes
When i'm on stage i feel that i belong
100 watts of power driving every song
Cos I've got music in my heart and in my soul
and i just don't think yu'd understand
my life is nothing if you take my love away
cos if you take the beat you take the breath away from me
My heart is beating, it's what keeps me alive
it's a part of me that cannot be denied
it was my first love and so will be my last
i like like it loud....i like it fast
Cos I've got music in my heart and in my soul
and i just don't think you'd understand
my life is nothing if you take my love away
‘cos if you take the beat you take the breath away from me
Game over
Just another day, running round a maze
You’re over thinking,And your head is in a haze
You’re just another cog, In a massive wheel
You’re in the rat race, And they don’t care how you feel
You are the problem, You’re in their way
And if you don’t escape, You know it’s going to be game over!
They don’t want your views, Don’t wanna hear your voice
And if your face don’t fit, You’ve only got one choice
They’ll chase you down, You can’t stand and fight
You’ll never beat them even if you’re in the right
They’ve got the power, To match their greed
They’ve got the hunger, And the know how to succeed
You are the problem, You’re in their way
And if you don’t escape,You know it’s going to be game over!
You’ve gotta find a way, To get yourself out
You can’t rely on others,To help in any way
And if it all goes wrong, At least you tried
It’s better to have a go, And go down with a fight
You’re scum, that’s how it is, that’s all I’ve got to say
Your place is to earn our trust, Now that’s, all blown away
A bent cop is a fucking disease, a cancer in the brain
The abuse that you gave out, Has left a dirty, dirty stain
Filth, you’re on the take, Filth, you’re on the make
Filth, You’ve lost our trust, Filth, The system’s bust
Filth, you can run, Filth, but you can’t hide
Filth, and you know, You’re fucked now you’re inside
You covered up all the shit you done,it happened in the past
Hushed up to avoid a fuss, But it’s all come out at last
A predator you took your chance, That night you had your way
But this time your fucking mates,Couldn’t make it go away
You’re nicked and now they’re gonna fuck you
You got caught and now you say you’re sorry
It’s too late, don’t wanna hear your story
They’re gonna give you hell
Made of iron
Soft centre. hard core, I’ll always rise up from the floor
I’ve come from nothing yeah, and I am nothing more
I'm real, no show, Red hot and ready to go
You play with fire, and you’ll get your fingers burned
And when you hit me with a bang
I’ll just become a stronger man
Cos I’m my heart I’m made of iron
The knocks, I take, have made me who I am today
The twists and turns in life, mistakes that I have made
I’ll take, the heat, Cos, I don’t know when I am beat
I’ll face the flames, and I won’t hide in the shade
I’m cold like steel, you won’t control the way I feel
My past has shaped me, but there’s much more to come
I know stress, I know pain,Cos I live my life close to the flames
Like a coiled spring, I’ll just keep coming back again
The lowerarchy
My life’s not walked in a straight line
You’ve got your way, and I’ve got mine
We’re the ones that’ll try to bend and break your rules
You won’t fool us ‘cos we ain’t fools
We are the lowerarchy, the ones that don’t fit in
We’re frowned upon and we’re cast aside
We are the lowerarchy, the ones that don’t fit in
And when we stand up, you’ll run and hide
Your Hierarchy is the perfect plan
To force control over the working man
A ladder climbing right up to the top
We’re at the bottom, that’s where we’ll stop
Broken Man
This journey we call life, sometimes cuts like a knife
We fight to stay alive, but that comes at a price
Another memory leaves a scar, engraved into the heart
A permanent reminder that we’re sliding down a path
But my reflection’s not someone I recognise
That sad expression on his face, he’s no longer in the race
And he doesn’t really care, He’s been to hell and he still ain’t home
He doesn’t have to stand alone,
He’s just another broken man
I see a face look back at me, It’s who I used to be
He looks like he needs some help, But he don’t know how to ask
He’s much too scared to say, What he’s feeling every day
Wishing it would go away, And seeing faces from the past
Bloodshed on the streets
As prices rise, It fuels discontent
As people have to choose between their food and rent
So the rich still have, But we have not!
And the government they stay quiet, while the country goes to pot
A time for change is on its way
As the people can’t afford to pay
Can you hear them coming
They’re on their feet
And when they meet there will be bloodshed on the street
They talk of patience, And self control
But all our taxes seem to vanish down a hole
As each year passes, And the gap just grows
We’re run by a bunch of clowns, That no one chose
You Sort It Out
Another problem
Another thing gone wrong
But yet again it ain't your fault
You just can't see it can you
That the problem might be you
You've dropped a bollock once again
Well here we are you've gone and fucked it up again
you don't take advice and you never learn
you never listen, so you're on your own this time
you fucked it up you sort it out
You made your bed
So you've gotta lie in it
You'll have to fix what you've fucked up
You need to change
You need to take control
Cos one of these days it'll catch you up
Hate Culture
There's a new religion. They called it hate
The easy option, no need to tolerate
If you're not with them. Then you're against
If you don't speak they say you're sitting on the fence
Hate Culture, Hate Culture
The knives are out for me
Hate Culture, Hate Culture
They're after you and me
You fool your public. With your deceit
Fight through your keyboard Cos you know we'll never meet
No time for truth. When no one checks
You spread your bullshit. No self respect
I Don’t Care
I’m not one, for politics
But bedroom politicians make me sick
Don’t judge me on who I am
The punk police are getting out of hand
What is punk, what’s it about?
‘cos rules like yours I’ll gladly do without
I believe in life my way
So don’t expect, me to play your games
I don’t care, What you say, I don’t care, What you do
I don’t care, What you think I don’t care, Ain't no fool,
My Life, My Rules, My Way, I’ll Choose
Fuck your shit opinions and your fucking stupid rules
Just cos we, don’t see eye to eye
It doesn’t mean that I’m wrong and you are right
Different scenes and different times
Can walk along the same old battle lines
When you’ve lived and done the things I’ve done
you’ll understand, where I’m coming from
I get you’re different but-it-works both ways
So fuck off with your lecture, I’ll carry on my way
Society is Broken
A nurse cries alone
A black eye and a swollen face
Another victim of some drunken prick
that didn’t want to wait
While another kid
Bleeds out in the dead of night
He walked right through, the wrong estate
And they met him with a knife
YES Society is broken
YES Society is cracked
NO You’re never gonna win
Especially when the cards ARE FUCKING Stacked
As a nation cries
And society declines
Divide and conquer has taken hold
And everybody wants a fight
People used to care
They didn’t run and hide
You don’t know who to trust mo more
So you just walk on by